27 March 2010

Have you looked at the barbies lately? They are not nearly as pretty as they used to be. I was talking to a friend about it and she said, "well you don't want your daughter growing up with unrealistic ideas about beauty do you? She'll have low self esteem." Hopefully my daughter will be smart enough to one, not base her ideas of self worth wholly on physical appearances, and two to know that there will always be women that are prettier than her. I don't care what you look like, someone somewhere is better looking than you. It's the plain and simple truth. To waste time wishing you looked a way you simply don't is ridiculous. So why can't my daughter have pretty dolls to play with? 

I am so mad that everyone blames the media and barbies for these girls with low self esteems. It isn't the model's fault that you can't understand that you don't have her legs. Besides, I don't need to look in a magazine or go to the the movies to see women who are more physically attractive than I am. I just need to look around the street or room. But I don't see how that makes me any less pretty or any of my other qualities less appealing either. I am not the best at anything, but I don't dwell on that, I just work on making mysel happy and accomplishing my goals. I have sense of worth,  accomplishment, am perfectly happy, and I grew up with pretty barbies.

So quit blaming pretty pictures and figures for your insecurities. If you can't find a reason to like yourself as you are, you're not trying very hard. Everyone has something to offer and is of great consequence. Not to mention that everything has both negative and positive things about it, so if you just would tilt your head you'd see that the benefits often outweigh the detriments. Focus on that and not the length and shape of your legs being less desirable than a freaking doll's legs.

1 comment:

  1. "I have sense of worth, accomplishment, am perfectly happy, and I grew up with pretty barbies."

    rofl of the week!
