15 March 2010

Crib and Other Such Goodies

So I have been looking online at baby stuff since we found out that we found out that we were going to have a girl. I have seen so many different cribs and liked a great many of them. There was one crib in particular  that I absolutely loved, but it was a bit more expensive than we could afford. So I pretty much wrote it off and moved on to the more practical and unbearably plain crib at IKEA. 

When I was told to register at a couple places online for the baby showers I put it on the registry even though I believed that there was no way anyone would spring for the crib. I was wrong. Tonight I found out that mom and dad Brady decided to get it for us and it's due to arrive soon! I am so excited. I cannot wait to set it up.

We got a lot of other cute stuff as well such as a few new outfits, some bibs, bath stuff including a little yellow tub, a changing pad, some blankets and burp rags, a teddy bear, pacifiers, a wipe-case, hand made booties, afghan and sweater, baby sunglasses, and a little mini fridge for the bottles when we have long trips. We also got a diaper bag, but it wasn't quite what we were looking for so we went to take it back and couldn't find anything that fit the bill. We then realized that we had some money from my grandparents that was for the IKEA crib. So we just got store credit and bought other things for the baby with it. (Little black Mary Janes.)

My mom and sister got us some books. Hop on Pop and There's a Wocket in my Pocket! by Dr. Seuss and Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig!

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